Analysis of the Thermal Effects on the Performance and Reliability of Post‐Tensioned Integral Abutment Bridges

There are cases where the common approaches used to assess the temperature loading effects may not be sufficient, especially in the case of integral abutment bridges (IABs). In IABs, the incorrect choice of the design temperature may result in an unwanted tensional state in the bridge decks and additional loads on the abutments. For post‐tensioned bridges, the combined effects of excessive temperature loads and loss of tension in the post‐tensioned cables due to time‐dependent phenomena like relaxation in steel and shrink‐age and creep in concrete may lead to probabilities of exceedance of serviceability (or ultimate) limit states that exceed the code specifications and/or desired levels of safety, and to cascading negative effects on the operation of the road infrastructure. This research aims at assessing the sensitivity of IABs to the long‐term effects of temperature loads and, in a second step, quantifying the probability of exceedance of relevant serviceability limit states.