Anti-slip studs for safety footwear☆
Abstract A large and increasing proportion of the accidents occurring in British mines is caused by men losing their balance, and there is evidence that slipping plays a major part in many such accidents. Simple laboratory measurements of the frictional force between footwear and different floor materials with different surface conditions showed that existing types of miners' footwear did not give a good grip in all circumstances. In particular, although rubber-soled footwear gave an excellent grip on clean surfaces, it gave a very much reduced grip on greasy or muddy surfaces. An unexpected change in grip could cause men to slip. Boots fitted with tungsten carbide tipped studs, such as are fitted to tyres for motoring on ice, were tested and gave a reasonable grip which was almost unaffected by the condition of the surface. User trials of such studded boots have been encouraging and are being extended, most wearers being enthusiastic about the boots' anti-slip properties. Extensive tests are in progress on the frictional-ignition hazard presented by tungsten carbide tipped studs. It seems likely that the hazard will prove to be in the same low range as that given by hobnails and other steel fittings to footwear. Advice is given on where and how to insert studs into existing footwear and suggestions are made for future developments. The publication of the early results of the work has produced a lot of inquiry from industries other than coalmining and this brief report has been prepared to meet the needs of these other industries.