Long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences, env, and a region near the 5' LTR influence the pathogenic potential of recombinants between Rous-associated virus types 0 and 1

A series of recombinants between Rous-associated virus type 0 (RAV-0), RAV-1, and a replication-competent avian leukosis virus vector (RCAN) have been tested for disease potential in day-old inoculated K28 chicks. RAV-0 is a benign virus, whereas RAV-1 and RCAN induce lymphoma and a low incidence of a variety of other neoplasms. The results of the oncogenicity tests indicate that (i) the long terminal repeat regions of RAV-1 and RCAN play a major role in disease potential, (ii) subgroup A envelope glycoproteins are associated with a two- to fourfold higher incidence of lymphoma than subgroup E glycoproteins, and (iii) certain combinations of 5' viral and env sequences cause osteopetrosis in a highly context-dependent manner. Long terminal repeat and env sequences appeared to influence lymphomogenic potential by determining the extent of bursal infection within the first 2 to 3 weeks of life. This would suggest that bursal but not postbursal stem cells are targets for avian leukosis virus-induced lymphomogenesis. The induction of neutralizing antibody had no obvious influence on the incidence of lymphoma.

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