Session T3A: Tutorial: From frequency to time-average-frequency: A paradigm shift in the design of electronic systems
Clock technology is one of the four fundamental technologies in the field of IC design. It is the timekeeper and the driver of everything inside a silicon chip. Time-Average-Frequency Direct Period Synthesis is an emerging technology in the field of on-chip frequency synthesis (clock generation). It comprises a new concept, a rigorous mathematical theory, and a novel circuit architecture. Its aim is the two long-lasting problems in this field: arbitrary frequency generation and instantaneous frequency switching. The goal is to achieve these two features on-a-chip simultaneously and at a reasonable cost so that SoC chip architects have a powerful clock generator in their hands to create their innovations at higher levels. It is a component-level enabler for chip-system-architecture level innovations. On a large scale, since clock is omnipresent in electronic system, this technology introduces a paradigm shift in electronic system design. In this tutorial, the Time-Average-Frequency concept will be explained. The circuit architecture will be briefly reviewed. Its impact, the route from component-level enabler to system level innovations, will be illustrated through real application examples. The newly published book in May 2015: “From Frequency to Time-Average-Frequency: A Paradigm Shift in the Design of Electronic System (IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems)” will be provided to each tutorial attendant.