In Response to Healy

It is always a challenge to comment on an article which attempts to draw together topics as complex and diverse as: the role of psychodynamic therapy in war time soldiers; the role of the asylum in western history; the Harrison Narcotics act of 1914; the Food Drugs and Cosmetics Act; the role of contraception in social change; the Enlightenment; the efficacy and image of ECT in medicine and the lay public; the evolution of our understanding of tardive dyskinesia; the role of clinical trials in medicine and drug development; the "politics" of psychopharmacology; publication bias; changes in popular psychology over the last 50 years; drug dependence; deinstitutionalization; "corporate psychiatry"; "Big Science"; the development of receptor assay technology; the role of psychological testing in establishing societal and medical "norms"; the differences between managing the risk factors for a disease and the disease itself; pharmaceutical and other corporate marketing; the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and academia; the justifications for pediatric psychopharmacology; the epidemiology of eating disorders; to mention only some.