Dynamic Increase Factor of High Strength Concrete with Silica Fume at High Strain Rate Loading

The dynamic mechanical properties (stress-strain diagram, ultimate stress, ultimate strain and strain rate) and of high strength concrete (HSC) with 5% and 10% silica fume (SF) addition at high strain rate of 10 s-1 to 102 s-1 (3.8 MPa, 4.1 MPa and 4.8 MPa) are determined using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar equipment. The compressive strength of the HSC at design strength of 80 and 90 MPa is also determined. Results show that the compressive strength of the 5%SF and 10%SF HSC are 83 MPa and 92 MPa, respectively. The dynamic stress-strain diagrams show that the higher the pressure load, the higher the values of ultimate dynamic stress, σu and the ultimate strain rate, ἐu for both percentages of SF addition concrete. The ultimate dynamic stress, σu are between 200 – 250 Mpa and the ultimate strain rate, ἐu is in the range of 95 s-1 and 160 s-1. The ultimate dynamic strain, εu between 0.005-0.008 mm/mm. The dynamic increase factors (DIF) of the HSC are more than 2 compare to normal strength concrete.