Research Study of River Information Services on the US Inland Waterway Network

Abstract : The first project period started with efforts to achieve a common knowledge level among the partners. Startup activities comprised the exchange and discussion of the project plan, the Lock Operations Management Application (LOMA) specifications, the River Information services (RIS) center concept via e-Mail and the extranet site. Major results have been achieved during a workshop in Washington DC in August where a review of major documents took place and a meeting with lock operators and the Port of Pittsburgh Commission have been held. The second project period mainly focused on the further elaboration of the concept for the River Information Services (RIS) Center and the link to the US eNavigation strategy on the one and on the beta tests of the LOMA application on the other hand. To support these activities joint presentations and workshops at the COPRI conference of the US Association of Civil Engineering in Memphis TN and at the eNavigation conference held in Seattle WA have been held.