Data acquisition scheduling algorithm for multitelescope instrument with pointing function

Planned for launch in June 1998, the Earth Observing System (EOS) AM1-spacecraft will carry five instruments which will be placed into a polar, sun-synchronous, 705 km orbit. EOS AM-1 will cross the equator at 10:30 am local time when daily cloud cover is typically at a minimum over land, such that surface features can be more easily observed. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan is providing the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument. The ASTER instrument is a high performance spatial imager which has three sensors. The interval between the nearest two orbits is 172 km at the equator. The swath of sensors is 60 km. Therefore ASTER must have pointing capability in order to cover the whole surface of the earth. ASTER accept xARs form many users. Because of constrained spacecraft data capacity, ASTER's data acquisition scheduling algorithm which will perform the most effective scheduling from the inputs which consist of many xARs and which is derived from prioritization information.