Interactive type hierarchical short circuit tracing and dynamic debugging method
Trace short providing an interactive short circuit in the tracking operation of one layout, the user according to the determined two wire mesh, wire mesh, respectively, in the two select a pattern, to find all the graphics associated therewith, simultaneously displaying two lines network in a shortest path. Since the complex net, causing the key point is difficult to recognize short-circuited nets, dynamic debugging method is proposed therefore critical point positioning. Provide short-circuit current heuristics to find the key points in a dynamic graphical debugging stage, the virtual delete graphic layout, graphics and virtual delete virtual set back to the original layout and other methods. By repeating this virtual delete virtual set-back operation, it can accurately locate the cause of the short circuit current key, and then perform this function provides a break operation to cause a short circuit of the key dot pattern actually deleted out of the territory. Can effectively improve the efficiency of trace short seamless operation by the above-described.