The matrix elements of the Hamiltonian of a semiasymmetric internal rotor which have been given by Hecht and Dennison are rederived in a different way and in a form which is also applicable to more general semiasymmetric internal rotors. This theory together with a semi-empirical formula for the inversion splitting is applied to the analysis of the microwave spectrum of methylamine. The barrier height of internal rotation is determined to be 691.1 cm -1 . The moments and product of inertia are obtained as A =37.085, B =38.662, C =8.136, C 1 =2.805, C 2 =5.331, D =-0.120 all times 10 -40 g cm 2 . The hypothetical inversion splitting in the absence of the coupling between inversion and internal rotation is determined to be 28604 Mc/sec for n =0 and 29358 Mc/sec for n =1. The molecular dimensions are obtained from the inertial constants as follows: d CH =1.093 A (assumed), d NH =1.014 A (assumed), d CN =1.474 A, \(\angle\text{HCH}{=}109\)°30', \(\angle\text{HNH}{=}105\)°50', \(\angle\text{CNH}{=}112\)°10', a...
D. Lide.
Preliminary Analysis of the Pure-Rotational Spectrum of Methyl Amine
J. Koehler,et al.
Hindered Rotation in Methyl Alcohol
K. Takagi,et al.
L. E. Sutton,et al.
Tables of interatomic distances and molecular configurations obtained by electron diffraction in the gas phase
D. M. Dennison,et al.
The Methyl Alcohol Molecule and Its Microwave Spectrum
D. Burkhard,et al.
The Molecular Structure of Methyl Alcohol