HuggingFace's Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing

Recent progress in natural language processing has been driven by advances in both model architecture and model pretraining. Transformer architectures have facilitated building higher-capacity models and pretraining has made it possible to effectively utilize this capacity for a wide variety of tasks. Transformers is an open-source library with the goal of opening up these advances to the wider machine learning community. The library consists of carefully engineered state-of-the art Transformer architectures under a unified API. Backing this library is a curated collection of pretrained models made by and available for the community. Transformers is designed to be extensible by researchers, simple for practitioners, and fast and robust in industrial deployments. The library is available at

[1]  Arman Cohan,et al.  Longformer: The Long-Document Transformer , 2020, ArXiv.

[2]  Sebastian Ruder,et al.  Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification , 2018, ACL.

[3]  Eric P. Xing,et al.  Texar: A Modularized, Versatile, and Extensible Toolkit for Text Generation , 2018, ACL.

[4]  Colin Raffel,et al.  Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer , 2019, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[5]  Douwe Kiela,et al.  Supervised Multimodal Bitransformers for Classifying Images and Text , 2019, ViGIL@NeurIPS.

[6]  Kevin Gimpel,et al.  ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations , 2019, ICLR.

[7]  Luke S. Zettlemoyer,et al.  Deep Contextualized Word Representations , 2018, NAACL.

[8]  Haichen Shen,et al.  TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning , 2018, OSDI.

[9]  Omer Levy,et al.  SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans , 2019, TACL.

[10]  Guillaume Lample,et al.  Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining , 2019, NeurIPS.

[11]  Alex Wang,et al.  jiant: A Software Toolkit for Research on General-Purpose Text Understanding Models , 2020, ACL.

[12]  Lukasz Kaiser,et al.  Attention is All you Need , 2017, NIPS.

[13]  Omer Levy,et al.  RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach , 2019, ArXiv.

[14]  Christopher D. Manning,et al.  Stanza: A Python Natural Language Processing Toolkit for Many Human Languages , 2020, ACL.

[15]  Omer Levy,et al.  GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding , 2018, BlackboxNLP@EMNLP.

[16]  Alexander M. Rush,et al.  LSTMVis: A Tool for Visual Analysis of Hidden State Dynamics in Recurrent Neural Networks , 2016, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

[17]  Omer Levy,et al.  BART: Denoising Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Natural Language Generation, Translation, and Comprehension , 2019, ACL.

[18]  Omer Levy,et al.  SuperGLUE: A Stickier Benchmark for General-Purpose Language Understanding Systems , 2019, NeurIPS.

[19]  Myle Ott,et al.  fairseq: A Fast, Extensible Toolkit for Sequence Modeling , 2019, NAACL.

[20]  Alexander M. Rush,et al.  OpenNMT: Open-Source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation , 2017, ACL.

[21]  Mihai Surdeanu,et al.  The Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Processing Toolkit , 2014, ACL.

[22]  Thomas Wolf,et al.  DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter , 2019, ArXiv.

[23]  Yiming Yang,et al.  XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding , 2019, NeurIPS.

[24]  Inioluwa Deborah Raji,et al.  Model Cards for Model Reporting , 2018, FAT.

[25]  Ming-Wei Chang,et al.  BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding , 2019, NAACL.

[26]  Sebastian Gehrmann,et al.  exBERT: A Visual Analysis Tool to Explore Learned Representations in Transformers Models , 2019, ArXiv.

[27]  Steven Bird,et al.  NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit , 2002, ACL.

[28]  Iz Beltagy,et al.  SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text , 2019, EMNLP.

[29]  Mohammad Shoeybi,et al.  Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism , 2019, ArXiv.

[30]  Lukasz Kaiser,et al.  Reformer: The Efficient Transformer , 2020, ICLR.

[31]  Yejin Choi,et al.  COMET: Commonsense Transformers for Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction , 2019, ACL.

[32]  Quoc V. Le,et al.  ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators , 2020, ICLR.

[33]  Dipanjan Das,et al.  BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline , 2019, ACL.

[34]  Richard Socher,et al.  Learned in Translation: Contextualized Word Vectors , 2017, NIPS.

[35]  Luke S. Zettlemoyer,et al.  AllenNLP: A Deep Semantic Natural Language Processing Platform , 2018, ArXiv.

[36]  Benjamin Lecouteux,et al.  FlauBERT: Unsupervised Language Model Pre-training for French , 2020, LREC.

[37]  Roland Vollgraf,et al.  FLAIR: An Easy-to-Use Framework for State-of-the-Art NLP , 2019, NAACL.

[38]  Yiming Yang,et al.  Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models beyond a Fixed-Length Context , 2019, ACL.

[39]  Ilya Sutskever,et al.  Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners , 2019 .