Physical Vapor Growth of Double Position Boundary Free, Quasi-Bulk 3C-SiC on High Quality 3C-SiC on Si CVD Templates

We have developed and investigated the quasi-bulk crystal growth of 3C-SiC on transferred, high quality, CVD-grown templates using a sublimation sandwich related technique. The seeding layers were removed from the silicon carrier using a solution of hydrogen fluoride, nitric acid and water and glued to a substrate using carbon glue. The transferred layers were used as seeding material to grow high quality, single crystalline, DPBs free 3C-SiC crystals with thicknesses of up to 860 μm and a size of 18 x 20 mm. Analysis of the 3C-SiC layers was carried out using Laue measurement in back-reflecting geometry, Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy.