The SRWCP database management system: Users guide, data definitions, and source code

The Users Guide was written to facilitate access to the Short Rotation Woody Crops database which deals with the short rotation intensive culture of woody shrubs and trees. This manual presents some fundamentals about KnowledgeMan, the computer software that runs the system, provides definitions of the field variables, and contains the source code for the procedures which were developed to adapt the KnowledgeMan software. The manual is organized in six sections. Section 1, Introduction, presents the rationale for the data management efforts. Section 2, Structure of the SRWCP Database Management System, describes the hardware and software requirements, the relational organization of the data, and the procedures developed to customize the KnowledgeMan software. Section 3 explains the use of the database through customized menus. Section 4 briefly illustrates some KnowledgeMan commands. Section 5 presents the source code for the procedures that control the SRWCP database management system and some of the more complex report-generating procedures. Section 6 contains the references used in developing the computer programs for SRWCP database management system. Appendix A lists the files used by the SRWCP database management system. Appendix B contains the data definitions (the Database Key), and Appendix C is a Data Table and Fieldmore » Name Index. 3 refs., 11 figs., 5 tabs.« less