Mobility to and from, around and about Brussels

• Michel Hubert has a PhD in sociology and is a professor at Facultes universitaires Saint-Louis (FUSL), where he is president of the Interdisciplinary Brussels Studies Institute (Institut de recherches interdisciplinaires sur Bruxelles or IRIB) and runs the Sociological Studies Centre (CES). His research is focused on Brussels issues, mobility being foremost amongst them. He published with B. Montulet et P. Huynen, Etre mobile. Vecus du temps et usages des modes de transport a Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Publications FUSL, 2007, 208 p. and “L’Expo 58 et le ‘tout a l’automobile’. Quel avenir pour les grandes infrastructures routieres urbaines a Bruxelles ?”, Brussels Studies, 2008, n° 22. Contact : – 02/211.78.53