A Special Issue on Data Standards

This special issue arose as a response to the ongoing proliferation of grass roots, communitydriven international data standardization activities. It is our hope that giving a range of participants in such activities the opportunity to contribute up-to-date descriptions of their efforts will help foster dialogue, raise awareness, and make a call for action on behalf of this rapidly growing community. This issue is not an exhaustive review of activities, but provides a snapshot of a range of activities at different stages of maturity and their growing interactions. It is organized into four groups of papers on data standardization activites in the fields of genomics, the postgenomic technologies of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics and integrative activites, and other initiatives. Each invited piece contains details of the current status, future prospects, and successes and challenges of these efforts, making this issue a resource for those wishing to track, participate, or conform to any of the...

[1]  Dawn Field,et al.  Public repositories need serious funding , 2006, Nature.

[2]  Rolf Apweiler,et al.  Genome Reviews: standardizing content and representation of information about complete genomes. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[3]  Rolf Apweiler,et al.  Evidence standards in experimental and inferential INSDC Third Party Annotation data. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[4]  Kathleen F. Kerr,et al.  The External RNA Controls Consortium: a progress report , 2005, Nature Methods.

[5]  L. Reid,et al.  Proposed methods for testing and selecting the ERCC external RNA controls , 2005, BMC Genomics.

[6]  Graham McLaren,et al.  Generation Challenge Programme (GCP): standards for crop data. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[7]  Norman Morrison,et al.  Standardization Initiatives in the (eco)toxicogenomics Domain: A Review , 2004, Comparative and functional genomics.

[8]  Alvis Brazma,et al.  MGED standards: work in progress. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[9]  Andy Brass,et al.  Annotation of environmental OMICS data: application to the transcriptomics domain. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[10]  Chris Mason,et al.  International community consensus standard for reporting derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines. , 2007, Regenerative medicine.

[11]  Jason E. Stewart,et al.  Minimum information about a microarray experiment (MIAME)—toward standards for microarray data , 2001, Nature Genetics.

[12]  Nigel W. Hardy,et al.  Establishing reporting standards for metabolomic and metabonomic studies: a call for participation. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[13]  Mark E. Davis,et al.  Insights into the kinetics of siRNA-mediated gene silencing from live-cell and live-animal bioluminescent imaging , 2006, Nucleic acids research.

[14]  Ronald C. Taylor,et al.  Development of the Minimum Information Specification for In Situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry Experiments (MISFISHIE). , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[15]  Dawn Field,et al.  Meeting report: eGenomics: Cataloguing our Complete Genome Collection II. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[16]  Nigel W. Hardy,et al.  The Metabolomics Standards Initiative , 2007, Nature Biotechnology.

[17]  Josef Spidlen,et al.  Data standards for flow cytometry. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[18]  Eugene Kolker,et al.  Experimental standards for high-throughput proteomics. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[19]  Chris F. Taylor,et al.  Metabolomics standards initiative: ontology working group work in progress , 2007, Metabolomics.

[20]  J Kennedy,et al.  Standard data model representation for taxonomic information. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[21]  Chris F. Taylor,et al.  The work of the Human Proteome Organisation's Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO PSI). , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[22]  C. Mason,et al.  Proposal for a universal minimum information convention for the reporting on the derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines. , 2006, Regenerative medicine.

[23]  Andrew R Jones,et al.  FuGE: Functional Genomics Experiment Object Model. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[24]  John Quackenbush,et al.  Data standards: a call to action. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[25]  Guy Cochrane,et al.  Concept of sample in OMICS technology. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[26]  Chris F. Taylor,et al.  Development of FuGO: an ontology for functional genomics investigations. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[27]  R. Fleischmann,et al.  Whole-genome random sequencing and assembly of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. , 1995, Science.

[28]  R. Durbin,et al.  The Sequence Ontology: a tool for the unification of genome annotations , 2005, Genome Biology.

[29]  J. Boore,et al.  Requirements and standards for organelle genome databases. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[30]  Rachel L Richesson,et al.  Viewpoint: Data Standards in Clinical Research: Gaps, Overlaps, Challenges and Future Directions , 2007, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

[31]  Andrew R Jones,et al.  A strategy capitalizing on synergies: the Reporting Structure for Biological Investigation (RSBI) working group. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[32]  Gregory D. Schuler,et al.  Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information: update , 2004, Nucleic acids research.

[33]  Nigel W. Hardy,et al.  The metabolomics standards initiative (MSI) , 2007, Metabolomics.

[34]  A. Spiers,et al.  Consideration of future requirements for Raman microbiology as an examplar for the ab initio development of informatics frameworks for emergent OMICS technologies. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[35]  K. Sjölander,et al.  Taking the first steps towards a standard for reporting on phylogenies: Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA). , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[36]  Nikos Kyrpides,et al.  The Positive Role of the Ecological Community in the Genomic Revolution , 2006, Microbial Ecology.

[37]  M. Ashburner,et al.  Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology , 2000, Nature Genetics.

[38]  Geoffrey C. Bowker,et al.  Promoting Access to Public Research Data for Scientific, Economic, and Social Development , 2004, Data Sci. J..

[39]  D. Field,et al.  Ecological perspectives on the sequenced genome collection , 2005 .

[40]  John Quackenbush,et al.  Data standards for 'omic' science , 2004, Nature Biotechnology.