Liapunov redesign of model reference adaptive control systems

The model reference adaptive control system has proved very popular on account of a ready-made, but heuristically based, rule for synthesizing the adaptive loops-the so-called "M.I.T. rule." A theoretical analysis of loops so designed is generally very difficult, but analyses of quite simple systems do show that instability is possible for certain system inputs. An alternative synthesis based on Liapunov's second method is suggested here, and is applied to the redesign of adaptive loops considered by some other authors who have all used the M.I.T, rule. Derivatives of model-system error are sometimes required, but may be avoided in gain adjustment schemes if the system transfer function is "positive real," using a lemma due to Kalman. This paper amplifies and extends the work of Butchart and Shackcloth reported at the IFAC (Teddington) Symposium, September, 1965.