TRACE Project. Deliverable 1.2. Road users and accident causation. Part 2: In-depth accident causation analysis

This report aims to present the final results of the descriptive statistical, in-depth and risk analysis performed within the first TRACE Work Package, 'WP1-Road Users', in order to identify the main problems and the magnitude of these problems related to accident causation and risk factors for the following five different road user groups: passenger car drivers; powered two wheelers riders; van, bus and truck drivers; pedestrian and cyclists and, finally, elderly people and gender classification. The different analysis (descriptive, in-depth and risk) of each of these five tasks has been performed using the available European accident databases within TRACE (national, in-depth and exposure databases). The main output of this report are (from each road user point of view): - A summary of the descriptive analysis done in a previous report (D1.1) with the main characteristics of the accidents gathered in different extensive databases, from the road user's point of view. - The understanding and identification of the accident causes by means of micro level analyses. - The estimation of the risk of being involved in an accident for these five user categories. Keyword list: Descriptive analysis, in-depth databases, risk factors, accident causation, human function failure, road user groups, passenger cars, powered two wheelers, buses, trucks, vans, pedestrians, cyclists, elderly people, gender