The Synthetic Vision Systems General Aviation (SVS-GA) element of NASA's Aviation Safety Program is developing technology to eliminate low visibility induced General Aviation (GA) accidents through the application of synthetic vision techniques. SVS displays present computer generated 3-dimensional imagery of the surrounding terrain to greatly enhance pilot's situation awareness (SA), reducing or eliminating Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT), as well as Low-Visibility Loss of Control (LVLOC) accidents. A critical component of SVS displays is the appropriate presentation of terrain to the pilot. The relationship between the realism of the terrain presentation and resulting enhancements of pilot SA and pilot performance has been largely undefined. Comprised of coordinated simulation and flight test efforts, the terrain portrayal for head-down displays (TP-HDD) test series examined the effects of two primary elements of terrain portrayal: variations of digital elevation model (DEM) resolution and terrain texturing. Variations in DEM resolution ranged from sparsely spaced (30arc-sec) to very closely spaced data (1arc-sec). Variations in texture involved three primary methods: constant color, elevation-based generic, and photo-realistic, along with a secondary depth cue enhancer in the form of a fishnet grid overlay. The TP-HDD simulation experiment addressed multiple objectives involving twelve display concepts (two baseline concepts without terrain and ten SVS variations), four evaluation maneuvers (two en route and one approach maneuver, plus a rare event scenario), and three pilot group classifications. Because of the complexity of this experiment, it is not practical to report on every significant aspect of the simulation in this paper. This paper provides a preview of simulation results by evaluating current tech
Keith W. Alter,et al.
Synthetic vision displays for instrument landings and traffic awareness-development and flight testing
19th DASC. 19th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37126).
Monica F. Hughes,et al.
Terrain Portrayal for Head-Down Displays Experiment
Thorsten Wiesemann,et al.
Controlled decimation of digital elevation data and subsequent in-flight verification
Defense, Security, and Sensing.
Erik Theunissen,et al.
Spatial terrain displays: promises and potential pitfalls
17th DASC. AIAA/IEEE/SAE. Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.98CH36267).
Randall E. Bailey,et al.
CFIT prevention using synthetic vision
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.
G. Sachs,et al.
Synthetic vision for enhancing poor visibility flight operations
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine.
Randall E. Bailey,et al.
Nasa Synthetic Vision Ege Flight Test
Randall E. Bailey,et al.
Flight test evaluation of tactical synthetic vision display concepts in a terrain-challenged operating environment
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.