Biodiesel from Pongamia pinnata L. Oil: A Promising Alternative Bioenergy Source

Abstract Pongame oil is non-edible oil extracted from seeds of Pongamia pinnata L. It is a tree of 12–15 m height, with spread branches. This study investigates the potential of Pongame oil as an alternative source of bioenergy (biodiesel). Seeds of Pongamia pinnata yield 35% oil by weight. Fuel properties of transesterified Pongame oil chemically known as methyl esters (biodiesel) were compared with biodiesel standards of American Standard Testing Method. The fuel properties of Pongame biodiesel (100%) that is specific gravity is 0.92, kinametic viscosity @ 40°C, 7.53, flash point 90°C, sulfur contents wt% 0.0084, pour point −6°C, cloud point 4°C, distillation (initial boiling point) 215, and cetane number 53 were near to high-speed diesel. The fuel properties of biodiesel blends, B5, B10, and B20 were very close to high-speed diesel. On the basis of these fuel properties, it is concluded that Pongame biodiesel is a good option for renewable energy to reduce dependency on import of foreign oil.