Combining cottage cheese whey and straw reduces erosion while increasing infiltration in furrow irrigation

Loose straw in irrigation furrows can decrease irrigation induced erosion, and acid cottage cheese whey can increase soil aggregate stability and soil infiltration. A field study was conducted at two sites where these materials were compared alone and in combination to determine their effectiveness in increasing infiltration and reducing irrigation induced erosion. Straw was applied by hand and whey was applied by gravity flow down irrigation furrows, 76 cm apart, and the field was planted to sweet corn (Zea Mays L.). Straw + whey was the most effective treatment for controlling erosion and sediment loss. Seasonal infiltration was significantly higher for straw + whey than for other treatments at the first site, and all three treatments increased infiltration over that of the control at the second site. These studies showed that two inexpensive agricultural byproducts, cottage cheese whey and straw, applied to irrigation furrows of different slopes can significantly reduce soil loss and increase infiltration.