Quantitative comparison of high-resolution MRI and myelin-stained histology of the human cerebral cortex

The architectonic analysis of the human cerebral cortex is presently based on the examination of stained tissue sections. Recent progress in high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) promotes the feasibility of an in vivo architectonic analysis. Since the exact relationship between the laminar fine-structure of a cortical MRI signal and histological cyto-and myeloarchitectonic staining patterns is not known, a quantitative study comparing high-resolution MRI to histological ground truth images is necessary for validating a future MRI based architectonic analysis. This communication describes an ongoing study comparing post mortem MR images to a myelin-stained histology of the brain cortex. After establishing a close spatial correspondence between histological sections and MRI using a slice-to-volume nonrigid registration algorithm, transcortical intensity profiles, extracted from both imaging modalities along curved trajectories of a Laplacian vector field, are compared via a cross-correlational analysis.