A Study of deuteron electromagnetic form factors with light-front approach

The electromagnetic form factors and low-energy observables of deuteron are studied with the help of the light-front approach, where the deuteron is regarded as a weekly bound state of a proton and a neutron. Both the $S-$ and $D-$wave interacting vertexes among deuteron, proton, and neutron are taken into account. Moreover, the regularization functions are also introduced. In our calculations, the vertex and the regularization functions are employed to simulate the momentum distribution inside the deuteron. Our numerical results show that the light-front approach can roughly reproduce the deuteron electromagnetic form factors, like charge $G_0$, magnetic $G_1$, and quadrupole $G_2$, in the low $Q^2$ region. The important role of the $D-$wave vertex on $G_2$ is also addressed.

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