The yale face database

with the subject line CSE 252A Homework 4. The email should have one file attached. Name this file: CSE 252A hw2 lastname1 The contents of the file should be: 1. A pdf file with your writeup. This should have all code attached in the appendix. Name this file: CSE 252A hw2 lastname1 lastname2.pdf 2. A folder named [code] containing all your MATLAB code files The code is thus attached both as text in the writeup appendix and as source-files in the compressed archive. • There is no physical hand-in for this assignment. • All code developed for this assignment should be included in the appendix of the report. • You may do problems on pen and paper; just scan and include it in the report. • In general, MATLAB code does not have to be efficient. Focus on clarity, correctness and function here, and we can worry about speed in another course. In this assignment, we will have a look at some simple techniques for object recognition, in particular , we will try to recognize faces. The face data that we will use is derived from the Yale Face Database. For more information, follow link : (YFDB-link). The database consists of 5760 images of 10 individuals, each under 9 poses and 64 different lighting conditions. The availability of such standardized databases is important for scientific research as they are useful for benchmarking different algorithms. Figure 1: The Yale face database B. In this assignment, we will only use 640 images corresponding to a frontal orientation of the face. These faces are included in the file You will find the faces divided into five 1