A significance measure for R-fuzzy sets

This paper presents a newly created significance measure based on a variation of Bayes' theorem, one which quantifies the significance of any value contained within an R-fuzzy set. An R-fuzzy set is a relatively new concept and an extension to fuzzy sets. By utilising the lower and upper approximations from rough set theory, an R-fuzzy approach allows for uncertain fuzzy membership values to be encapsulated. The membership values associated with the lower approximation are regarded as absolute truths, whereas the values associated with the upper approximation maybe be the result of a single voter, or the vast majority, but definitely not all. By making use of the significance measure one can inspect each and every encapsulated membership value. The significance value itself is a coefficient, this value will indicate how strongly it was agreed upon by the populace for a specific R-fuzzy descriptor. There has been no recent effort made in order to make sense of the significance of any of the values contained within an R-fuzzy set, hence the motivation for this paper. Also presented is a worked example, demonstrating the coupling together of an R-fuzzy approach and the significance measure.