Overview of the FTU results

Since the 2018 IAEA FEC Conference, FTU operations have been devoted to several experiments covering a large range of topics, from the investigation of the behaviour of a liquid tin limiter to the runaway electrons mitigation and control and to the stabilization of tearing modes by electron cyclotron heating and by pellet injection. Other experiments have involved the spectroscopy of heavy metal ions, the electron density peaking in helium doped plasmas, the electron cyclotron assisted start-up and the electron temperature measurements in high temperature plasmas. The effectiveness of the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy system has been demonstrated and the new capabilities of the runaway electron imaging spectrometry system for in-flight runaways studies have been explored. Finally, a high resolution saddle coil array for MHD analysis and UV and SXR diamond detectors have been successfully tested on different plasma scenarios.

L. A. Grosso | M. Sassano | B. Baiocchi | F. Crisanti | F. Belli | A. Tuccillo | G. Calabrò | P. Buratti | E. Giovannozzi | A. Cardinali | C. Centioli | S. Podda | B. Coppi | C. Sozzi | B. Esposito | D. Farina | C. Castaldo | D. Frigione | M. Zerbini | D. Pacella | S. Magagnino | C. Verona | G. Verona-Rinati | D. Liuzza | G. Gallerano | M. Hoppe | E. Lazzaro | O. D'Arcangelo | A. Simonetto | L. Figini | M. Cappelli | R. Cavazzana | V. Lazic | F. Colao | S. Palomba | A. Bruschi | A. Bruschi | W. Bin | G. Granucci | V. Mellera | S. Nowak | F. Fanale | M. Lontano | S. Garavaglia | A. Moro | L. Carraro | G. Claps | F. Cordella | M. Puiatti | G. Vlad | S. Briguglio | G. Fogaccia | E. Nardon | G. Pucella | L. Caneve | G. Grosso | S. Galeani | F. Causa | F. Orsitto | O. Tudisco | C. Mazzotta | M. Valisa | M. Lehnen | D. Ricci | D. Minelli | G. Gittini | M. Cappelli | F. Bombarda | G. Maddaluno | G. Ramogida | M. Baruzzo | B. Zaniol | L. Laguardia | D. Marocco | G. Mazzitelli | C. Piron | A. Romano | L. Gabellieri | F. Zonca | M. Marinelli | E. Milani | V. Pericoli-Ridolfini | C. Galperti | N. Rispoli | E. Alessi | C. Cianfarani | G. Artaserse | A. Taschin | G. Mazzitelli | M. Iafrati | M. Apicella | G. Apruzzese | M. Marinucci | M. De Angeli | B. Viola | S. Almaviva | L. Laguardia | E. Alessi | M. Angelone | S. Ceccuzzi | R. Cesario | G. Ravera | G. Rubino | A. Pizzuto | B. Angelini | L. Boncagni | V. Fusco | A. Milovanov | F. Mirizzi | L. Panaccione | A. Pizzuto | E. Vitale | M. Aquilini | P. Cefalì | G. Giacomi | M. Mezzacappa | A. Pensa | P. Petrolini | V. Piergotti | B. Raspante | G. Rocchi | A. Sibio | B. Tilia | R. Tulli | M. Vellucci | D. Zannetti | L. Senni | W. Gromelski | G. Montani | N. Carlevaro | U. Tartari | F. Napoli | A. Tuccillo | A. Selce | C. Barcellona | F. Martinelli | M. Falessi | F. Orsitto | G. Ravera | C. Meineri | L. Calacci | M. Passeri | M. Scisciò | C. Galperti | M. Ciotti | C. Di Troia | M. Kubkowska | F. Belli | P. Buratti | M. Cappelli | N. Carlevaro | D. Carnevale | S. Cesaroni | Y. Damizia | E. Di Ferdinando | S. Di Giovenale | A. Dodaro | B. Esposito | D. Farina | V. Fusco | G. Gallerano | G. Ghillardi | E. Lazzaro | D. Marocco | A. Milovanov | G. Montani | F. Pallotta | S. Rueca | A. Taschin | G. Trentuno | V.K. Zotta | M. Angelone | F. Colao | P. Gasior | V. Lazic | E. Milani | P. Mosetti | P. Muscente | A. Reale | C. Verona | A. Reale | F. Cordella | S. Rueca | V. Zotta | P. Muscente | M. Sassano | V. Fusco | G. Grosso | M. Marinucci | G. Mazzitelli | S. Almaviva | F. Bombarda | S. Cesaroni | F. Cordella | Y. Damizia | A. Dodaro | D. Liuzza | M. Mezzacappa | D. Minelli | G. Montani | F. Pallotta | S. Palomba | A. Pensa | S. Rueca | M. Scisciò | L. Senni | A. Sibio | A. Taschin | R. Tulli | M. Vellucci | B. Coppi | P. Gąsior | M. Hoppe | V. Lazic | E. Milani | A. Reale

[1]  C. Centioli,et al.  CVD diamond photodetectors for FTU plasma diagnostics , 2021 .

[2]  G. Mazzitelli,et al.  CPS Based Liquid Metal Divertor Target for EU-DEMO , 2020, Journal of Fusion Energy.

[3]  P. Gąsior,et al.  LIBS measurements inside the FTU vessel mock-up by using a robotic arm , 2020 .

[4]  F. Jenko,et al.  Controlled neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) healing by fueling pellets and its impact on electron cyclotron current drive requirements for complete NTM stabilization , 2019, Nuclear Fusion.

[5]  F. Bombarda,et al.  Experiments on the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade with a liquid tin limiter , 2019, Nuclear Fusion.

[6]  P. Buratti,et al.  Runaway electron imaging spectrometry (REIS) system. , 2019, The Review of scientific instruments.

[7]  A. Boozer,et al.  Kink instabilities of the post-disruption runaway electron beam at low safety factor , 2019, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

[8]  C. Possieri,et al.  Runaway electron beam control , 2018, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

[9]  D. Spong,et al.  Low-frequency whistler waves in quiescent runaway electron plasmas , 2018, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

[10]  B. Baiocchi,et al.  Data analysis tools and coding activity in support of the FTU Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic , 2018, Journal of Instrumentation.

[11]  R. Zagórski,et al.  Integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling for DEMO with tin divertor , 2017 .

[12]  M. Hoppe,et al.  SOFT: a synthetic synchrotron diagnostic for runaway electrons , 2017, 1709.00674.

[13]  M. V. D. van de Sanden,et al.  Oscillatory vapour shielding of liquid metal walls in nuclear fusion devices , 2017, Nature Communications.

[14]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Dynamic and frequency behaviour of the MARFE instability on FTU , 2017 .

[15]  F. Crisanti,et al.  D-shaped configurations in FTU for testing liquid lithium limiter: Preliminary studies and experiments , 2017 .

[16]  B. Baiocchi,et al.  Observation of short time-scale spectral emissions at millimeter wavelengths with the new CTS diagnostic on the FTU tokamak , 2017 .

[17]  G. Mazzitelli,et al.  Liquid tin limiter for FTU tokamak , 2017 .

[18]  P. Maget,et al.  Comparison of magnetic island stabilization strategies from magneto-hydrodynamic simulations , 2017 .

[19]  J. R. Martin-Solis,et al.  On the measurement of the threshold electric field for runaway electron generation in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade , 2016 .

[20]  C. Centioli,et al.  Advances in the FTU collective Thomson scattering system. , 2016, The Review of scientific instruments.

[21]  Allen H. Boozer,et al.  Runaway electrons and magnetic island confinement , 2016 .

[22]  D. Rudakov,et al.  Interaction of adhered metallic dust with transient plasma heat loads , 2016 .

[23]  P. Buratti,et al.  Cherenkov emission provides detailed picture of non-thermal electron dynamics in the presence of magnetic islands , 2015 .

[24]  B. P. Duval,et al.  Design and first applications of the ITER integrated modelling & analysis suite , 2015 .

[25]  C. Bressan,et al.  Investigation on FTU dust and on the origin of ferromagnetic and lithiated grains , 2015 .

[26]  A. Litnovsky,et al.  Dust remobilization in fusion plasmas under steady state conditions , 2015, 1508.06156.

[27]  M. Cavinato,et al.  Experiments and modeling on FTU tokamak for EC assisted plasma start-up studies in ITER-like configuration , 2015 .

[28]  N. W. Eidietis,et al.  Disruptions in ITER and strategies for their control and mitigation , 2015 .

[29]  L. A. Grosso,et al.  Experiments on magneto-hydrodynamics instabilities with ECH/ECCD in FTU using a minimal real-time control system , 2015 .

[30]  C. Sozzi,et al.  Peaked density profiles due to neon injection on FTU , 2015 .

[31]  Boris N. Breizman,et al.  Stability analysis of runaway-driven waves in a tokamak , 2015 .

[32]  J. Stober,et al.  Plasma rotation and ion temperature measurements by collective Thomson scattering at ASDEX Upgrade , 2015 .

[33]  G. Pucella,et al.  Runaway Electron Control in FTU , 2014, 1508.05483.

[34]  V. Philipps,et al.  Liquid metals as alternative solution for the power exhaust of future fusion devices: status and perspective , 2014 .

[35]  G. Pucella,et al.  Correction: Corrigendum: Current drive at plasma densities required for thermonuclear reactors , 2013, Nature Communications.

[36]  M. Landreman,et al.  Synchrotron radiation from runaway electron distributions in tokamaks , 2013, 1308.2099.

[37]  G. Pucella,et al.  Density limit experiments on FTU , 2013 .

[38]  D. A. Humphreys,et al.  Control and dissipation of runaway electron beams created during rapid shutdown experiments in DIII-D , 2013 .

[39]  G. Pucella,et al.  Density fluctuations induced by MARFE on FTU , 2013 .

[40]  G. Pucella,et al.  Dependence of the density limit on the toroidal magnetic field on FTU , 2013 .

[41]  C. Galperti,et al.  A Real-Time system for data acquisition, elaboration and actuator's control for magnetohydrodynamics instabilities in the FTU tokamak , 2012, 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

[42]  R. H. Bulmer,et al.  Sustained Spheromak Physics Experiment (SSPX): design and physics results , 2012 .

[43]  X. Garbet,et al.  Electron fishbones in FTU and Tore Supra tokamaks , 2012 .

[44]  William Bin,et al.  In vessel characterization and first power tests on plasma of the Real-Time controllable EC launcher on FTU Tokamak , 2012 .

[45]  Luca Boncagni,et al.  Fast elaboration of diagnostic data for real time control in FTU tokamak , 2012 .

[46]  Faa Federico Felici,et al.  Integrated real-time control of MHD instabilities using multi-beam ECRH/ECCD systems on TCV , 2012 .

[47]  R. L. Haye,et al.  Sawtooth control using electron cyclotron current drive in ITER demonstration plasmas in DIII-D , 2012 .

[48]  O. Tudisco,et al.  First results from plasma density measurements in the FTU tokamak by means of a two-frequency pulsed time-of-flight refractometer , 2012 .

[49]  R. Zagórski,et al.  Lithization of the FTU tokamak with a critical amount of lithium injection , 2012 .

[50]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Lower hybrid current drive efficiency in tokamaks and wave scattering by density fluctuations at the plasma edge , 2011 .

[51]  C. Castaldo,et al.  Note: Simultaneous electrical and optical detection of expanding dense partially ionized vapour clouds. , 2011, The Review of scientific instruments.

[52]  E. Barbato,et al.  The role of non-resonant collision dissipation in lower hybrid current driven plasmas , 2011 .

[53]  Luca Zaccarian,et al.  Progress in the migration towards the real-time framework MARTe at the FTU tokamak , 2011 .

[54]  G. Granucci,et al.  Avoidance of disruptions at high βN in ASDEX Upgrade with off-axis ECRH , 2011 .

[55]  T. Lunt,et al.  ECRH-assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch: multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER , 2011 .

[56]  M. L. Apicella,et al.  FTU results with a liquid lithium limiter , 2011 .

[57]  F. Crisanti,et al.  Plasma start-up results with electron cyclotron assisted breakdown on Frascati Tokamak Upgrade , 2011 .

[58]  Jet Efda Contributors,et al.  Plasma edge density and lower hybrid current drive in JET (Joint European Torus) , 2011 .

[59]  O. Sauter,et al.  Sawtooth pacing by real-time auxiliary power control in a tokamak plasma. , 2011, Physical review letters.

[60]  H. Bindslev,et al.  Principles of fuel ion ratio measurements in fusion plasmas by collective Thomson scattering , 2011 .

[61]  G. Yuan,et al.  Destabilization of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes in the HL-2A tokamak , 2011 .

[62]  L. Chen,et al.  An extended hybrid magnetohydrodynamics gyrokinetic model for numerical simulation of shear Alfvén waves in burning plasmas , 2010, 1012.5388.

[63]  J. Garcia,et al.  Lower hybrid current drive for the steady-state scenario , 2010 .

[64]  I. Holod,et al.  Gyrokinetic particle simulations of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode excited by antenna and fast ions , 2010 .

[65]  M. L. Apicella,et al.  Peaked density profiles and MHD activity on FTU in lithium dominated discharges , 2010 .

[66]  L. Chen,et al.  Kinetic structures of shear Alfvén and acoustic wave spectra in burning plasmas , 2010 .

[67]  L. Chen,et al.  Theory and simulation of discrete kinetic beta induced Alfvén eigenmode in tokamak plasmas , 2010 .

[68]  F. Pegoraro,et al.  2D continuous spectrum of shear Alfvén waves in the presence of a magnetic island , 2010, 1009.1556.

[69]  F. Pegoraro,et al.  Continuous spectrum of shear Alfvén waves within magnetic islands. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[70]  S. J. Wukitch,et al.  Absorption of lower hybrid waves in the scrape off layer of a diverted tokamak , 2010 .

[71]  G Schettini,et al.  Current drive at plasma densities required for thermonuclear reactors. , 2010, Nature communications.

[72]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST): a proposal for an ITER satellite facility in support of the development of fusion energy , 2010 .

[73]  Per Strand,et al.  A generic data structure for integrated modelling of tokamak physics and subsystems , 2010, Comput. Phys. Commun..

[74]  G. D'Antona,et al.  The MHD control system for the FTU tokamak , 2010, 2010 17th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference.

[75]  A. Milovanov Self-organized criticality with a fishbone-like instability cycle , 2010 .

[76]  V. Philipps,et al.  Survey of dust formed in the TEXTOR tokamak: structure and fuel retention , 2009 .

[77]  N. Hicks,et al.  Kinetic Alfvén eigenmodes at ASDEX Upgrade , 2009 .

[78]  E. Fable,et al.  Particle transport in tokamak plasmas, theory and experiment , 2009 .

[79]  F. Zonca,et al.  Effects of trapped particle dynamics on the structures of a low-frequency shear Alfvén continuous spectrum , 2009 .

[80]  X. Garbet,et al.  Excitation of beta Alfvén eigenmodes in Tore-Supra , 2009 .

[81]  L. Chen,et al.  High-frequency fishbones at JET: theoretical interpretation of experimental observations , 2009 .

[82]  A. Tuccillo,et al.  Lower hybrid wave produced supra-thermal electrons and fishbone-like instability in FTU , 2009 .

[83]  G. Granucci,et al.  Disruption control on FTU and ASDEX upgrade with ECRH , 2009 .

[84]  F Turco,et al.  Demonstration of effective control of fast-ion-stabilized sawteeth by electron-cyclotron current drive. , 2009, Physical review letters.


[86]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Dust Measurement With Thomson Scattering In FTU , 2008 .

[87]  H. Zohm,et al.  Fast-ion losses due to high-frequency MHD perturbations in the ASDEX upgrade Tokamak. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[88]  J. R. Martin-Solis,et al.  Disruption avoidance in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade by means of magnetohydrodynamic mode stabilization using electron-cyclotron-resonance heating. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[89]  G. Mazzitelli,et al.  Technological aspects of liquid lithium limiter experiment on FTU tokamak , 2007 .

[90]  L. Chen,et al.  Theory of Alfvén waves and energetic particle physics in burning plasmas , 2007 .

[91]  C. Giroud,et al.  Scaling of density peaking in H-mode plasmas based on a combined database of AUG and JET observations , 2007 .

[92]  C. Bourdelle,et al.  Numerical study of linear dissipative drift electrostatic modes in tokamaks , 2007 .

[93]  Chengdu,et al.  Electron fishbones: theory and experimental evidence , 2007, 0707.2852.

[94]  M. L. Apicella,et al.  First experiments with lithium limiter on FTU , 2007 .

[95]  M. L. Apicella,et al.  Edge properties with the liquid lithium limiter in FTU—experiment and transport modelling , 2007 .

[96]  J. Manickam,et al.  Chapter 3: MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions , 2007 .

[97]  P. Buratti,et al.  Excitation of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes in the presence of a magnetic island , 2007 .

[98]  P Innocente,et al.  Two-color medium-infrared scanning interferometer for the Frascati tokamak upgrade fusion test device. , 2006, Applied optics.

[99]  C. Castaldo,et al.  Fluctuations in dusty plasmas , 2006 .

[100]  A. Cardinali,et al.  Analysis of the Validity of the Asymptotic Techniques in the Lower Hybrid Wave Equation Solution For Reactor Applications , 2006 .

[101]  L. Chen,et al.  Physics of burning plasmas in toroidal magnetic confinement devices , 2006 .

[102]  P. Bonoli,et al.  Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiments in Alcator C‐Mod , 2006 .

[103]  J. R. Martin-Solis,et al.  Enhanced production of runaway electrons during a disruptive termination of discharges heated with lower hybrid power in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade. , 2006, Physical review letters.

[104]  R. Zagórski,et al.  Modelling with TECXY code of lithium limiter experiments on FTU , 2006 .

[105]  F. Volpe,et al.  Critical issues highlighted by collective Thomson scattering below electron cyclotron resonance in FTU , 2006 .

[106]  G. Granucci,et al.  Automatic real-time tracking and stabilization of magnetic islands in a Tokamak using temperature fluctuations and ECW power , 2006, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

[107]  Riccardo Maggiora,et al.  TOPLHA: an accurate and efficient numerical tool for analysis and design of LH antennas , 2006 .

[108]  C. Bourdelle,et al.  Confinement and turbulence study in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade high field and high density plasmas , 2006 .

[109]  W. Fundamenski,et al.  Spectral broadening of lower hybrid waves produced by parametric instability in current drive experiments of tokamak plasmas , 2006 .

[110]  Mizuki Sakamoto,et al.  Electron cyclotron current drive experiments in LHCD plasmas using a remote steering antenna on the TRIAM-1M tokamak , 2006 .

[111]  C. Castaldo,et al.  Screening and attraction of dust particles in plasmas. , 2006, Physical review letters.

[112]  F. Crisanti,et al.  High density internal transport barriers for burning plasma operation , 2005 .

[113]  A. Loarte,et al.  Timescale and magnitude of plasma thermal energy loss before and during disruptions in JET , 2005 .

[114]  P. Buratti,et al.  Observation of high-frequency waves during strong tearing mode activity in FTU plasmas without fast ions , 2005 .

[115]  G. Calabrò,et al.  Study of lower hybrid current drive efficiency over a wide range of FTU plasma parameters , 2005 .

[116]  E. Lazzaro,et al.  Electron cyclotron emission temperature fluctuations associated with magnetic islands and real-time identification and control system , 2005 .

[117]  R. J. La Haye,et al.  Neoclassical tearing modes and their controla) , 2005 .

[118]  Liu Chen,et al.  Resonant and non-resonant particle dynamics in Alfvén mode excitations , 2005 .

[119]  J. Snipes,et al.  Overview of the Alcator C-Mod program , 2005 .

[120]  A. Cardinali,et al.  Bridging the spectral gap in lower hybrid current drive by parametric instability , 2005 .

[121]  H. Zohm,et al.  Sawtooth control experiments on ASDEX Upgrade , 2005 .

[122]  L. Chen,et al.  Transition from weak to strong energetic ion transport in burning plasmas , 2005 .

[123]  Youwen Sun,et al.  Observation of the m = 1 mode during the ramp phase of the sawtooth oscillations in LHCD plasmas on the HT-7 tokamak , 2005 .

[124]  Alice Ying,et al.  Overview of the ALPS Program , 2005 .

[125]  Charles F. F. Karney,et al.  Efficiency of current drive by fast waves , 2005, physics/0501058.

[126]  O. Sauter,et al.  Hybrid advanced scenarios: perspectives for ITER and new experiments with dominant RF heating , 2004 .

[127]  Ftu,et al.  Transport analysis of ohmic, L-mode and improved confinement discharges in FTU , 2004 .

[128]  J. R. Martin-Solis,et al.  Runaway electron behaviour during electron cyclotron resonance heating in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade , 2004 .

[129]  L. Horton,et al.  Recent H-Mode Density Limit Studies at JET , 2004 .

[130]  G. Mazzitelli,et al.  Chapter 1: The FTU Program , 2004 .

[131]  Alessandro Bruschi,et al.  Chapter 7: Radio-Frequency Wave Physics in the FTU , 2004 .

[132]  C. Gormezano,et al.  Chapter 12: FT3 - An Experiment to Study Burning Plasma Physics Issues in Deuterium Plasmas , 2004 .

[133]  P. Buratti,et al.  Chapter 4: High-Density Regimes in the FTU , 2004 .

[134]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Chapter 3: Internal Transport Barrier Studies in the FTU , 2004 .

[135]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Chapter 8: The Diagnostic Systems in the FTU , 2004 .

[136]  D Mazon,et al.  Modeling of a lower-hybrid current drive by including spectral broadening induced by parametric instability in tokamak plasmas. , 2004, Physical review letters.

[137]  P. Buratti,et al.  Magnetic island structures and their rotation after pellet injection in FTU , 2004 .

[138]  P. T. Bonoli,et al.  Lower Hybrid Current Drive: An Overview of Simulation Models, Benchmarking with Experiment, and Predictions for Future Devices , 2003 .

[139]  C. J. Barth,et al.  Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating on TEXTOR , 2003 .

[140]  A. Cardinali,et al.  Asymptotic analysis of the electrostatic wave equation in a toroidal plasma , 2003 .

[141]  G. Granucci,et al.  Experiment with the PAM launcher for FTU , 2003, 20th IEEE/NPSS Symposium onFusion Engineering, 2003..

[142]  X. Garbet,et al.  Turbulent particle transport in magnetized plasmas. , 2003, Physical review letters.

[143]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Progress towards internal transport barriers at high plasma density sustained by pure electron heating and current drive in the FTU tokamak , 2003 .

[144]  C. Gil,et al.  Particle pinch with fully noninductive lower hybrid current drive in Tore Supra. , 2003, Physical review letters.

[145]  P. Buratti,et al.  Purely growing precursors and sawtooth trigger mechanisms , 2003 .

[146]  V. Parail,et al.  Effect of low magnetic shear induced by lower hybrid current drive on high performance internal transport barriers in the Joint , 2002 .

[147]  M. Greenwald Density limits in toroidal plasmas , 2002 .

[148]  Y. Liu,et al.  Observation of internal kink instability purely driven by suprathermal electrons in the HL-1M tokamak , 2002 .

[149]  X. Litaudon,et al.  A dimensionless criterion for characterizing internal transport barriers in JET , 2002 .

[150]  F. Imbeaux,et al.  Progress in internal transport barrier plasmas with lower hybrid current drive and heating in JET (Joint European Torus) , 2002 .

[151]  O. Sauter,et al.  Control of neoclassical tearing modes by sawtooth control. , 2002, Physical review letters.

[152]  E. Barbato ECRH studies: internal transport barriers and MHD stabilization , 2001 .

[153]  F. Crisanti,et al.  Steady improved confinement in FTU high field plasmas sustained by deep pellet injection , 2001 .

[154]  F. Crisanti,et al.  Reduction of the electron thermal conductivity produced by ion Bernstein waves on the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade tokamak , 2001 .

[155]  S. Mirnov,et al.  Technological aspects of lithium capillary-pore systems application in tokamak device , 2001 .

[156]  J. Ongena,et al.  Neon radiation efficiency for different confinement regimes in TEXTOR-94 , 2000 .

[157]  A. Taroni,et al.  Modelling of optimized shear scenarios with LHCD for high performance experiments on JET , 2000 .

[158]  F. Crisanti,et al.  Dynamics of tearing modes during strong electron cyclotron heating on the FTU tokamak. , 2000, Physical Review Letters.

[159]  O. Naito,et al.  LHCD current profile control experiments towards steady state improved confinement on JT-60U , 2000 .

[160]  Harvey,et al.  Internal kink instability during off-axis electron cyclotron current drive in the DIII-D tokamak , 1999, Physical review letters.

[161]  S. Soldatov,et al.  Experimental investigation of ion-temperature-gradient-like turbulence characteristics in T-10 core plasmas with toroidal and poloidal correlation reflectometry , 1999 .

[162]  G. Ramponi,et al.  On the stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes by electron cyclotron waves , 1999 .

[163]  S. Soldatov,et al.  A three-wave heterodyne correlation reflectometer developed in the T-10 tokamak , 1999 .

[164]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  High Core Electron Confinement Regimes in FTU Plasmas with Low- or Reversed-Magnetic Shear and High Power Density Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Heating , 1999 .

[165]  F. Crisanti,et al.  High Plasma Density Lower-Hybrid Current Drive in the FTU Tokamak , 1999 .

[166]  F. Zonca,et al.  Density, temperature and potential fluctuations in the edge plasma of the FTU tokamak , 1998 .

[167]  S. Briguglio,et al.  Hybrid magnetohydrodynamic-particle simulation of linear and nonlinear evolution of Alfven modes in tokamaks , 1998 .

[168]  Y. Ohkuma,et al.  Production of a low density field reversed configuration plasma , 1998 .

[169]  T. Petrie,et al.  Density limit studies on DIII-D , 1998 .

[170]  M. Rosenbluth,et al.  Theory for avalanche of runaway electrons in tokamaks , 1997 .

[171]  O. Naito,et al.  ITER L mode confinement database , 1997 .

[172]  F. Sauli GEM: A new concept for electron amplification in gas detectors , 1997 .

[173]  Liu Chen,et al.  Kinetic theory of low-frequency Alfvén modes in tokamaks , 1996 .

[174]  A. D. Piliya,et al.  Fast ray tracing code for LHCD simulations , 1996 .

[175]  Enzo Lazzaro,et al.  Self‐diffraction effects of electron cyclotron Gaussian beams on noninductively driven current in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor tokamak , 1996 .

[176]  Winter,et al.  High Confinement and High Density with Stationary Plasma Energy and Strong Edge Radiation in the TEXTOR-94 Tokamak. , 1996, Physical review letters.

[177]  A. Bondeson,et al.  The CHEASE code for toroidal MHD equilibria , 1996 .

[178]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Particle transport in the Frascati Tokamak upgrade , 1996 .

[179]  M. A. Irzak,et al.  Theory of waveguide antennas for plasma heating and current drive , 1995 .

[180]  Julien Fuchs,et al.  MHD stability and disruption physics in ASDEX upgrade , 1995 .

[181]  F C Schuller,et al.  Disruptions in tokamaks , 1995 .

[182]  Paola Batistoni,et al.  Design of the neutron multicollimator for Frascati tokamak upgrade , 1995 .

[183]  G. Vlad,et al.  Hybrid magnetohydrodynamic‐gyrokinetic simulation of toroidal Alfvén modes , 1995 .

[184]  Mike Kotschenreuther,et al.  Comparison of initial value and eigenvalue codes for kinetic toroidal plasma instabilities , 1995 .

[185]  P. Tsou Silica aerogel captures cosmic dust intact , 1995 .

[186]  E. Giovannozzi,et al.  Thomson scattering system on FTU tokamak: Calibration, operation, resultsa) , 1995 .

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