The effect of changes in caries prevalence on dental education.

While rising levels of dental caries were primarily responsible for the growth in dental schools in developed countries, the recent decline in caries prevalence has not resulted in a major decline in dental education. Indeed, the reduction in caries prevalence has had very little influence upon a group of major changes that arguably should have had a marked effect upon dental education in recent years, but which have failed so to do. These include a quantum leap in applying the scientific basis of caries management, focused down to the teaching of minimally invasive restorative care within a context of risk assessment and maximum non-invasive care where appropriate. A possible way forward in accelerating the necessary changes in dental practice would be for only a proportion of dental undergraduates in the future to be taught practical restorative procedures, leaving the remainder to concentrate on diagnostic and non-invasive care without the distraction of possible restorative treatment.