Measurement of gasoline adulteration using optical fiber sensor

ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of a fiber optic sensor based on bifurcated fiber bundles; in the bifurcated design, separate fibers carry the excitation and emission radiation. The physics principle is simple, the fraction of light transmitted between the receive elements in the bundle and the transmit elements in the bundles depends of the light wave passes through the gasoline; three fuel-adulterant mixtures in different proportions by volume were prepared and individually tested. The high sensitivity of laser, and the versatility of fiber-optic technology and experiment proved that the system has simple construct and high sensitivity during absorption on a transition process. Keywords: Detection of impurities in hydrocarbons, PIC18F2550, Sensor bifurcated fiber-based 1. Introduction A light field is a high frecuency In general, a comple x Monochromatic light field, E(r, t), can be written as: (1) Where A(r, t) is the amplitude of the complex light field, co is the angular frequency of the monochromatic light field, and 0(r, 0 is the phase of the complex field. Note that a broadband light source can be viewed as the summation of different-frequency monochromatic light fields. Thus, Eq. (1) can be treated as a general mathematic description of a light field [1]. Currently there are many ways to adulterate fuels in different parts of the world, Colombia is no exception, based on these f acts lead to just the most ha rm to users and earn more or exploit the oil. To solve this problem was designed and built a fiber optic sensor to detect impurities in hydrocarbons (gasoline) through a bifurcated optical fiber, which will verify the quality of the oil.