Liquid fuel jet in subsonic crossflow

An analytical/nu merical model is described which predicts the behavior of nonreacting and reacting liquid jets injected transversely into subsonic crossflow. The compressible flowfield about the elliptical jet cross section is solved at various locations along the jet trajectory by analytical means for local Mach numbers M<» < 0.3 and by numerical means for 0.3 < Moo < 1.0. External and internal boundary layers along the jet cross section are solved by integral and numerical methods, and the mass loss due to boundary-layer shedding, evaporation, and combustion are calculated and incorporated into the trajectory calculation. Comparison of predicted trajectories is made with limited experimental observations. The presence of a diffusion flame for Moo < 0.3 is also studied, and its effect on mass loss from the fuel jet and on the trajectory shape is explored.