서울시 체육시설의 효율적 공급 및 활용방안

As the needs for health, wellbeing, quality of life increase due to the increase of spare time, the improvement in income level, the change of value, the concern and participation rate for the physical activities of the citizens in Seoul constantly have increased. The increasing demand for physical activities requires the expansion of space of facilities for participation. The supply and use of sport facilities depends on consideration of fairness for accessibility to sport services and differentiation in strategy for physical facilities based on the characteristics of community. In order to establish supply policies of sport facilities, research on distribution conditions of the current sport facilities and spatial inequality and supply and demand of community is need. Through analyzing the behavior of participation in physical activities and the needs of the citizens of Seoul and differences in the current supply situations of the sport facilities, the present condition of physical facilities can be found, and based on this, efficient supply system and action plan for the sport facilities in Seoul can be suggested. Therefore, in this study, as a response to changed sport environments and a preliminary step of sport policies for qualitative and quantitative consideration on sport services, the current conditions for the supply of sport facilities are analyzed and efficient supply system and action plan for the sport facilities are suggested. In this study, the sport facilities are categorized into public sport facilities, quasi sport facilities such as community centers or youth centers, and private sport facilities. Public sport facilities of Seoul are placed and managed by Sport Promotion Division, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Green Seoul Bureau. Quasi sport facilities are placed and managed by several divisions such as Health & Welfare Bureau of Seoul, Woman & Family Policy Affairs, Administration Bureau, and Cultural Affair Bureau. However, each organization has different tasks and budget support and is managed by different administrative organizations, so it is difficult to supply and manage sport facilities. In addition, because sport facilities are supplied by several organizations, sport facilities are not provided to regions in need and are unequally supplied according to the financial condition of regions, which shows a large gap. To examine the sport facilities closely, compared with 4,214 of public sport facilities, quasi sport facilities in Seoul including local sport facilities, private sport facilities are 10,492 which are more than two times. Yet, public sport facilities and private sport facilities show competitive relations rather than complementary. The results of research on sport facility usage of the citizens of Seoul in 2008 show that the response rate for sport facility in use located near their homes is low, and the most frequently used facilities are mainly outdoor facilities such as parks, the riverside of Han River, school grounds, and hiking trails, which their accessibility is within 10 minutes. As the reasons for not participating in sport activities are busy and lazy which are the most frequently responded answers, the main reason of non participation in sport activities is the will of participants rather than the lack of space or facilities. However, the response about needs to participate in sport activities is space expansion and openness which show the highest response rate, so it is important to expand and open sport facilities for the citizens with the will to participate in sport activities. In order to solve the problem of supply and demand for sport facilities in Seoul, Seoul needs to establish supply policies of sport facilities to provide it efficiently. First, as control policies for supply which is made by each organization, the classification of program, space size, and the number of facilities need to be found, and sport facilities should be provided appropriately by strengthening competence for existing facilities and considering geographical characteristics. Second, based on the characteristics of each facility in the community, installation criteria, building criteria, and efficient management criteria need to be prepared within the range to lead the maximum participation in sports for local residents. Third, a key sport facility needs to be appointed in order to prevent from repetitive supply of programs and facilities and to provide effective sports related services for efficient management in the community. Fourth, due to the site limitation for the sport facilities, Seoul needs to improve accessibility of sport facilities to promote participation in sports by making alliances with private sport facilities. To introduce the plan, the selection criteria for private enterprises and the institutional reviews need to be made thoroughly.