Low-Temperature Thermal Control for a Lunar Base

The generic problem of rejecting low- to moderate-temperature heat from space facilities located in a hot thermal sink environment is studied, and the example of a lunar base located near the equator is described. The effective thermal sink temperature is often above or near nominal room temperature. A three heat pump assisted thermal bus concept appears to be the most viable as they are the least sensitive to environmental conditions. Weight estimates are also developed for each of the five thermal control concepts studied: (1) 149kg/kW for a central thermal loop with unitary heat pumps; (2) 133 kg/kW for a conventional bus connected to large, central heat pumps at the radiator; (3) 134 kg/kW for a central, dual loop heat pump concept; (4) 95 kg/kW for the selective field-of-view radiator; and (5) 126 kg/kW for the regolith concept.