Internet of Things: Security, Challenges, Open Problems & Solutions
The recent development of IOT emphasizes on the connection of most of the devices by means of smarter and intelligence way. These devices communicate with each other via internet without or/very less communication link of human being. The network of IoT is highly heterogeneous, uncontrolled, broad and perspicacious. All the data centric activities are done by 3 vital steps i.e sensing, analyzing and processing. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cooperative system which connects a large number of computing devices which includes sensors, actuators, processors to a single IP address and the computing devices of IoT are provided with Unique Identifiers (UIDs). The major goal of IoT is to create a real world environment where frequently used agile objects coherently linked with internet. The growth rate of IoT devices has been increasing at a very high speed, so IOT can find its application in every field. All most all areas are using IoT to improve efficiency, customer service and value of the business, but in all respect IOT devices are still requires security and privacy optimization for future sustainable development.