A Rotation and a Translation Suffice: Fooling CNNs with Simple Transformations

Recent work has shown that neural network-based vision classifiers exhibit a significant vulnerability to misclassifications caused by imperceptible but adversarial perturbations of their inputs. These perturbations, however, are purely pixel-wise and built out of loss function gradients of either the attacked model or its surrogate. As a result, they tend to look pretty artificial and contrived. This might suggest that vulnerability to misclassification of slight input perturbations can only arise in a truly adversarial setting and thus is unlikely to be a problem in more benign contexts. In this paper, we provide evidence that such a belief might be incorrect. To this end, we show that neural networks are already vulnerable to significantly simpler - and more likely to occur naturally - transformations of the inputs. Specifically, we demonstrate that rotations and translations alone suffice to significantly degrade the classification performance of neural network-based vision models across a spectrum of datasets. This remains to be the case even when these models are trained using appropriate data augmentation and are already robust against the canonical, pixel-wise perturbations. Also, finding such "fooling" transformation does not even require having any special access to the model or its surrogate - just trying out a small number of random rotation and translation combinations already has a significant effect. These findings suggest that our current neural network-based vision models might not be as reliable as we tend to assume.

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