Transformation‐Toughened ZrO2: Correlations between Grain Size Control and Composition in the System ZrO2‐Y2O3

The average grain size of ZrO2(+Y, o,) materials sintered at 1400°C was observed to depend significantly on the Y2O3 content. The average grain size decreased by a factor of 4 to 5 for Y2O3 contents between 0.8 and 1.4 mol% and increased at Y2O3 contents of 6.6 mol%. Grain growth control by a second phase is the concept used to interpret these data; compositions with a small grain size lie within the two-phase tetragonal + cubic phase field, and the size of the tetragonal grains is believed to be controlled by the cubic grains. This interpretation suggests that the Y2O3-rich boundary of the two-phase field lies between 0.8 and 1.4 mol% Y2O3. Transformation toughened materials fabricated in this binary system must have a composition that lies within the two-phase field to obtain the small grain size required, in part, to retain the tetragonal toughening agent.