Development of a cost-effective load assessment technique for slab and P-unit type bridge decks
Following the successful development of a dynamic testing method for load assessment of timber bridges (known as Dynamic Frequency Analysis or DFA) by the University of Technology, Sydney, further research and development has been undertaken over the past couple of years by UTS and Bridge Branch - RTA of NSW, to enable application of the same techniques to small and medium span concrete bridges. This paper will present details of testing and discuss the development of the DFA technique for use with slab type bridge systems, such as RC slabs, PUNITs and PPLANKs. The paper also summarises the findings that have led to successful completion of the R&D projects and will discuss its future potential for widespread application as a routine load assessment tool for bridge asset managers. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214936.