A Bandwidth-sharingReservation Scheme to Support QoS forNetworkMobility
A NEtwork thatisMObile(NEMO)usually consists ofatleast oneMobile Router (MR)attached totheinfrastructure tomanageallexternal communication forthis movingnetwork. Usersinside a NEMO mightalsorequire quality ofservices (QoS)guarantee while accessing theInternet viaamobile device. Inthis paper, wepropose aBandwidth-sharing Reservation (BSR) schemesothataNEMO cansupport QoSservices. Theproposed BSRschemeestablishes abandwidth sharing reservation tunnel forallNEMO nodestoefficiently utilize external bandwidth of MR,anditmakesadvance reservations atneighboring networks tosolvethemobility problem. Threereservation adjustment policies aredesigned tofurther improve bandwidth utilization. Bothmathematical analysis andsimulation results showthat theproposed BSRschemecansignificantly increase bandwidth utilization anddecrease handoff blocking ratewhileproviding QoSservices toNEMO nodesinmovement.
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