Living Wages, Equal Wages: Gender and Labour Market Policies in the United States

Part One: Laying the Groundwork: Methodological Frameworks and Theoretical Perspectives 1. Living Wages, Equal Wages, and the Value of Women's Work 2. Waged Work in the Twentieth Century 3. Two Faces of Wages Within the Economics Tradition: Wages as a Living, Wages as a Price 4. The Third Face: Wages as a Social Practice Part Two: Wage Regulations in the Twentieth Century 5. An Experiment in Wage Regulation: Minimum Wages for Women 6. A Living for Breadwinners: The Federal Minimum Wage 7. Job Evaluation and the Ideology of Equal Pay 8. Legislating Equal Wages Part Three: The Century Ahead 9. Living Wages, Equal Wages Revisited: Contemporary Movements and Policy Initiatives 10. Applying Feminist Political Economy to Wage Setting