Impact ofTiming Jitter onRakeReception ofDS- WB Signal overAWGN and

Inthis paper, wepresent theimpact oftiming jitter ona Direct Sequence UltraWideband (DS-UWB) systemin Additive WhiteGaussian Noise(AWGN)andmultipath environment. Rakereceiver isusedtocapture themultipath profile. Investigation isperformed inordinary andoptimum Rake, eachwith allRake(ARake) andselective Rake(SRake). Additionally, theequal gaincombining (EGC)maximal ratio combining (MRC)methods arealsoapplied foreach combination. We usetwotypes oftiming jitter, uniformly distributed andGaussian distributed, withvarying rootmean square (RMS)toevaluate thedifferent impacts on the communication system. Thebit error rate(BER) ofthesystem ispresented corresponding todifferent parameters suchas signal tonoise ratio (SNR), RMSjitter andnumber ofselected andcombined paths. Thesimulation results showthat optimum Rakeismoreseverely affected bythepresence of timing jitter. Itisalsoobserved that Gaussian distributed timing jitter hasagreater impact tothesystem than that ofthe uniformly distributed atlowRMSjitter. Athigher timing jitter, theperformance ofordinary Rakeissimilar tothatof optimum Rake, suggesting that theordinary Rakeismore practical thanoptimum Rakeduetoitslowersystem complexity.