Enhanced audit services for the correctness of outsourced data in cloud storage

Introduction of cloud storage service has made the users to access their data anywhere anytime without any trouble. Available systems that provide support for the remote data integrity are useful for quality of service testing but do not deal with server failure or handling misbehaving servers. The proposed system ensures storage integrity in the server where the cloud user's data is stored. It achieves strong cloud storage security and fast data error localization with the results provided by the auditing mechanism that is carried out by the Third Party Auditor. Also it further supports secure and efficient dynamic operations on outsourced data. Third Party Auditor carries out the public auditing in-order to maintain the integrity for the data stored in cloud. The user delegates the integrity checking tasks of the data stored in the cloud storage to the Third Party Auditor, who then does the auditing process. Reed Solomon Erasure correcting code is used in the file distribution and dependability against Byzantine failure. Data integrity in ensured with the help of verification key along with erasure coded data which also allows handling of storage correctness and identification of misbehaving cloud server. The audit protocol blocker is introduced to monitor the correctness of the user and Third Party Auditor. It prevents the cloud users from misusing the privileges that are provided to them by the cloud server.