Template synthesis of polymeric and metal microtubules

Abstract : We describe in this report an elegant new method for the synthesis of organic microtubules. This new method is based on the use of a microporous membrane as a template during tubule synthesis. This template method produces tubules with monodisperse lengths and diameters, and length, diameter, and wall thickness can be varied at will. This type of precise control over tubule geometry is not possible with the existing synthetic method. The tubules obtained are composed of chemically and mechanically robust heterocyclic polymers. We have recently described a template method for the synthesis of organic microtubules. This method entails the use of the pores in a microporous membrane as templates for tubule formation. The key to the tubule-formation process is the presence of molecular anchors on the pore walls. These anchors insure that the tubule-forming materials deposits as a thin skin which lines the pore wall. We describe in this paper an electrochemical template method for the synthesis of metal (Au) microtubules. We also present a general paradigm for the formation of molecular anchors on the pore walls of alumina template membranes. We believe that this paradigm should allow for the synthesis of microtubules composed of any desired material.