Solomon, Exorcism, and the Son of David
[1] F. Cross. The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies , 1976 .
[2] Evald Lövestam. Jésus fils de David chez les Synoptiques , 1974 .
[3] K. Berger. Die königlichen Messiastraditionen des Neuen Testaments , 1973, New Testament Studies.
[4] Dennis C. Duling. The Promises to David and their Entrance into Christianity—Nailing down a Likely Hypothesis , 1973, New Testament Studies.
[5] C. Burger. Jesus als Davidssohn : eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung , 1970 .
[6] A. Altmann. Biblical Motifs: Origins and Transformations , 1966 .
[7] H. Winkler. Siegel und Charaktere in der muhammedanischen Zauberei , 1930 .
[8] L. Cohn. An Apocryphal Work Ascribed to Philo of Alexandria , 1898 .