Evaluation of Traffic Control Devices: Second Year Activities

This project was established to provide a means of conducting limited scope evaluations of numerous traffic control device issues. During the second year of the project, researchers completed assessments of three issues: an extinguishable Left Turn Yield sign, a red border Speed Limit sign, and dew-resistant sheeting. For the extinguishable Left Turn Yield sign, researchers evaluated the impacts of the sign on traffic conflicts and events at one site and evaluated the impact on crashes at the same site. For the red border Speed Limit sign, researchers evaluated the short-term impacts of a redesigned sign at four sites and the long-term impacts of adding a red border at three sites that were also evaluated in the first year. The short-term evaluation also included an assessment of the impacts of the sheeting type on the sign. The evaluations consisted of comparisons of before and after speed measurements. For the dew-resistant sheeting evaluation, researchers installed a sign fabricated from standard sheeting and from prototype dew-resistant sheeting and monitored the sign’s performance in dew conditions with an automated camera that recorded images at regular intervals throughout the night. The results showed positive benefits for all three evaluations. Researchers recommend use of the extinguishable Left Turn Yield sign at signalized locations with high left-turn crash rates. Researchers recommend the red border be added to the standard Speed Limit sign at locations where the speed limit decreases at the approach to a city or town and there is a need to provide additional emphasis on the reduced speed limit. The dew-resistant sheeting is a prototype material and is not currently available for widespread use. Field evaluations should be conducted before it is implemented on a widespread basis.