Integrated recognition of words and phrase boundaries

In this paper we present an integrated approach for recognizing both the word sequence and the syntactic-prosodic structure of a spontaneous utterance. We take into account the fact that a spontaneous utterance is not merely an unstructured sequence of words by incorporating phrase boundary information into the language model and by providing HMMs to model boundaries. This allows for a distinction between word transitions across phrase boundaries and transitions within a phrase. During recognition, the syntactic-prosodic structure of the utterance is determined implicitly. Without any increase in computational e ort, this leads to a 4% reduction of word error rate, and, at the same time, syntactic-prosodic boundary labels are provided for subsequent processing. The boundaries are recognized with a precision and recall rate of about 75% each. They can be used to reduce drastically the computational e ort for parsing spontaneous utterances. We also present a system architecture to incorporate additional prosodic information.