Performance Measurement: Getting Results
Long before reinventing government came into vogue, the Urban Institute pioneered methods for government and human services agencies to measure the performance of their programs. This book, by a leader in the field, synthesizes more than two decades of work into a comprehensive guide to performance measurement. Hatry explains every component of the process, from identifying the program's mission, objectives, customers, and trackable outcomes, to finding the best indicators for each outcome and identifying sources of data and how to collect them.
[1] Spencer. Zifcak. New Managerialism: Administrative Reform in Whitehall and Canberra , 1994 .
[2] Harry P. Hatry,et al. How Effective Are Your Community Services?: Procedures for Measuring Their Quality , 1992 .
[3] Geert Bouckaert,et al. Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis , 2004 .
[4] Harry P. Hatry,et al. How effective are your community services? : Procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of municipal services , 1977 .