Watermarks at the Nature Center

Watermarks at the Nature Center is a series dsculpturd systems that seek to make the movement and elusive chmcter of water legible in the designed landscape wbilc improving the emlogicat health or the site. Making certain tFares of water's continuous movement strongly visible and redesigning in a more ecotogicdly sound mannef allows visitom to be more visudly aware of and connect~d to these natural systems. Taking form cues from native hydrologicd patterns, these s d p turd interventions and tactile markers are intended to help salve stomwater drainage problems while contributing to the Nature Center's environmentd education mission. These systems of form and flow become displays of visual delight and good ecological design. The Mature Center and Greenway of PucbIo, Colorado, is located along the Arkansas River on the northern edge of town three milm below the Puebld Reservoir. Thc center gains much strength from its proximity to the Arkansas Riv~r, yet the existing site work conceals drainage and degrades water quality The two building, surrounding garden&, and picnic and playground areas are subject to priodic flooding by stormwater runoff from the shortgrass prairie that surrounds thm. During the summer of 1996, three major twenty-fm-year lrtorm mnts occurred. The director and advisory board were tatbusiastic when I proposed to look at remedies t h t could dso become pmr of their environmental education programs.