[The comparison of clustering methods of EEG independent components in healthy subjects and patients with post concussion syndrome after traumatic brain injury].
The comparison of three different clustering methods of 19-channels EEG independent components in 518 healthy subjects and 87 patients with post concussion syndrome after traumatic brain injury was performed to define more exact the location of sources of pathologic brain activity. Following methods of grouping were used: clustering of independent components topographies, clustering of coordinates of equivalent dipole sources corresponding to independent components topographies and sorting of independent components using extremes of equivalent source current density computed by Standardized Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA).The comparison of power spectra of independent components revealed statically significant increase of EEG power located in frontal and temporal brain areas in delta, theta and alpha frequency bands in patients with post concussion syndrome after traumatic brain injury. The method of clustering of independent components topographies seems to be most sensitive in comparison with other two methods.