Notes on the Appearance of Certain Sporozoöid Bodies in the Protoplasm of an “Oriental Sore.”
tliani durin-g all the rest of hiis labours before the initroductioln o)f the metlhod. In ani article oil the treatmenit of compound fractures, Professor Deinn1is, of New York, las compiled furtlher evidence ii tlhis same direction. II the Pennsylvanlia Hospital, between the years 1839 and 1851, there were treated 116 cases of compoun(l fracture of tlle leg and tlhigli; ex(luding those cases requiring amputation, there were 51 deatlhs, a mortality of 45 per celnt. In the New York Hospital, (luringthe same period, there were treated 126 cases of compountd fracture of the legf anid tlhigl excluding anmputations, there wvere 61 deatlhs, a nmortality of 48 per cent. From 1860 to 1876 there were reported from the surgical clinics of Vienina and Ztirich by BIillrotlh 180 cases of compoulid fractures; excluding anmputationis, there was a miortality of 41 per cenit. fromii septic disease. In the Obuclhow Hospital Reports of St. Petersburg, 106 cases of compounid fracture gave a mortality of 68 per cenit. In Guy's Hospital, from 1841 to 1861, tllere were reported 208 cases of compounid fracture, witlh 50 (leatls, a. mortality of 26 per cent. After the initroduction of anitisepsis, this deatlh-rate immediately fell to 4 per cenit. from an average of 40 to 50 per cenit.; and in tllis article of ]Dr. ])ennis, in wlhichl hie reports 516 cases of compouniid fractures, there was 11o record of death from septic trouble in ainy fracture of tlhe extremIities, whlichli was the class of iinjuries inieluded in the above staltemients. Mr. Tait enldeavouirs to J)reak the clhaiii of reasoning by sayi II: 1 that the germlls are everywhere and cannilot be (rot rid of-Ca miiisstaiteIImenit-ancd 2, that the preseiice or absence of se)psis depellds oii the preseneeC or absence of " pabuilum,'," thlit is, dea(l organic matter, blood clot, serum, etc. It has beei one of tfle alixiomis of aintiseptic surgery from the begillnnlln tlat scruipulous attention slhould lie paid to lia'mostasis and to drainage1. No oiie lhas tauhlit this more earnestly t i 111 Lister and hiis followers, and Tait's adoptionl of it as hiis "vievw " is evidence of hiis ignoraince of the work of others. To ha sure lie says that KwberlW first taught him drainaae iii 1875, ald gives due and deserved credit to Cliassaignac for iis wsork in this (direction, but English and American surgeons jiave enilployed (drailiage fully aiid carefully since the early part of this eiituiry, and Syme in 1826 made the importance of providiing a free esca,ipe for the diseliarges fromi wounds the subject if one of his miost importanit papers. It is easy to say that if vou lhave niothlinga to deconmpose there will be no decomposition, for that is wliat it amnounits to. " ('et out all deconmpoosable nilatter,'" lie says, " anid you cani let the germs ill freely," but ii pir<litical surgery this is by nio m1eans.alw1-avs possible. Mr. T.lit deals habitually withi a meml)ranle, thle peritoneum, which h,as a remarkable powver of self-protectionl. MAlicrobes grainingr alccess to the abdomiiial -calvity are exposed to destruction eitlher by the serum which it copiously exudes. *or by a possible plha,gocytic action of its enlormous numbers