The Handbook of Emotion and Memory : Research and Theory

Contents: Foreword. Preface. Part I: General Perspectives. G.H. Bower, How Might Emotions Affect Learning? M.K. Johnson, K.S. Multhaup, Emotion and MEM. B.A. Tobias, J.F. Kihlstrom, D.L. Schacter, Emotion and Implicit Memory. G. Mandler, Memory, Arousal, and Mood: A Theoretical Integration. Part II: Methodological Issues. W. Revelle, D.A. Loftus, The Implications of Arousal Effects for the Study of Affect and Memory. F. Heuer, D. Reisberg, Emotion, Arousal, and Memory for Detail. M.D. Leichtman, S.J. Ceci, P.A. Ornstein, The Influence of Affect on Memory: Mechanism and Development. J.C. Yuille, P.A. Tollestrup, A Model of Diverse Effects of Emotion on Eyewitness Memory. S-A. Christianson, J. Goodman, E.F. Loftus, Eyewitness Memory for Stressful Events: Methodological Quandaries and Ethical Dilemmas. Part III: Biological Aspects. J.L. McGaugh, Affect, Neuromodulatory Systems, and Memory Storage. J.E. LeDoux, Emotion as Memory: Anatomical Systems Underlying Indelible Neural Traces. L-G. Nilsson, T. Archer, Biological Aspects of Memory and Emotion: Affect and Cognition. S-A. Christianson, Remembering Emotional Events: Potential Mechanisms. Part IV: Clinical Observations. M.J. Horowitz, S.P. Reidbord, Memory, Emotion, and Response to Trauma. K.D. Harber, J.W. Pennebaker, Overcoming Traumatic Memories. M. Treadway, M. McCloskey, B. Gordon, N. Cohen, Landmark Life Events and the Organization of Memory: Evidence From Functional Retrograde Amnesia. B.G. Braun, E.J. Frischholz, Remembering and Forgetting in Patients Suffering From Multiple Personality Disorder. M.W. Eysenck, K. Mogg, Clinical Anxiety, Trait Anxiety, and Memory Bias. J.M.G. Williams, Autobiographical Memory and Emotional Disorders.