Scientific Management in Practice

I. Introductory. — Scope of the investigation, personnel; statistics, 262; Personnel, 263. — II. Applications of scientific management, 267; Municipal and miscellaneous work, 267. — Railroads and public utilities, 269. — Industrial plants, 270. — Time study and instruction cards, 274. — Stores system, 279. — Routing, 280. — Inspection, 283. — Standardization of equipment, materials, and plant, 284. — Cost statistics, 286. — Sales, 287. — Gross results, 288. — III. Effect on workers. — Wages, 290; Health, 292; Interest, loyalty, 294.—IV. General economic results, 297. — Relations with organized labor, 298. — V. Failures and their causes, 303. — VI. General influence of the movement, 306.