1. A model developed over 20 years ago has been used to estimate daily food intake in brown trout living in streams and lakes over a wide geographical range. The chief disadvantages of this early model are that it is not continuous and requires twelve parameters, not all of which can be interpreted biologically. A new model, using a larger data set, was therefore developed to overcome these problems and estimate the mean daily energy intake.
2. The two data sets used to develop the original model were also used to develop the general form of the new one, but a third data set was used to specify the model more precisely and to estimate the parameters. This third data set originated from experiments in which 185 trout (live weight range 1–350 g) were kept individually at 19 constant temperatures (range 3.8–21.7 °C) usually for 5–6 weeks. They were fed freshly killed shrimps (Gammarus pulex) and their food consumption was recorded throughout each experiment.
3. Five, six and eight parameter versions of the new model were all excellent fits to the data (P 0.99), with the eight parameter version being slightly the best. All parameters can be interpreted in biological terms; three define threshold temperatures, three define the curvilinear slopes in the model over different temperature ranges, one is a weight exponent and one is the maximum daily energy intake of a 1 g trout. The simpler six parameter model was adequate at temperatures above 7 °C.
4. An additional experiment with twenty-eight trout feeding on six different invertebrate foods provided estimates of energy intake that were very similar to those predicted from the model. However, when daily intake was converted to dry weight, agreement with values from the model (also as dry weight) was poor. Possible reasons for this are discussed, as are other studies using the earlier model, and it is shown that different conclusions can be reached depending upon whether comparisons are based on units of energy, dry weight or wet weight.
J. M. Elliott,et al.
Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L.
R. Cunjak,et al.
The feeding and energetics of stream-resident trout in winter*
J. Jensen,et al.
Food Rations and Rate of Gastric Evacuation in Brown Trout Fed Pellets
Ray R. Lassiter,et al.
Modelling Bioaccumulation of Organic Pollutants in Fish with an Application to PCBs in Lake Ontario Salmonids
B. Jonsson,et al.
Radiocaesium Turnover in Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in a Norwegian Lake
J. Allan.
Determinants of Diet of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a Mountain Stream
J. M. Elliott,et al.
Number of meals in a day, maximum weight of food consumed in a day and maximum rate of feeding for brown trout, Salmo trutta L.
Weight of food and time required to satiate brown trout, Salmo trutta L.
E. Mortensen.
Population and energy dynamics of trout salmo trutta in a small danish stream
J. M. Elliott,et al.
A new, improved growth model for brown trout, Salmo trutta
N. Ringler,et al.
Comparison of Actual and Potential Growth Rates of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Natural Streams Based on Bioenergetic Models
J. M. Elliott,et al.
The Energetics of Feeding, Metabolism and Growth of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Relation to Body Weight, Water Temperature and Ration Size
J. M. Elliott,et al.
Energy Losses in the Waste Products of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.)