The usage of Inteliligent Agents in Applications of E-commerce: Virtual Assistants

Intelligent agents-a large family of computer applications-allow to automatize a certain amount of tasks carried out starting from an easy macro in Excel or Word and as far as complex systems of artificial intelligence capable of learning while being used, detecting problems and formulating appropriate solutions for them. Electronic agents are software performing specific tasks and possessing necessary knowledge to perform them, they can also cooperate with their surroundings as well as communicating with other agents. From the moment internet spread on a world scale virtual assistants penetrate into everyday life, they play a more and more important role in e-commerce applications. They find a lot of significant usages in business, managing and processing information, managing business processes and participating in e-commerce. They give the user information through informal conversation and act as helpdesk accessible at every time of day or night, they answer recurring questions without fatigue, learning while performing the task-the more they are used the more effective they become. A product based on artificial intelligence best fits in a style of work such as this.